The show is performed
in English
23 february
16 march
The infamous Long John Silver and his immortal parrot, the rustic denizens of the "Admiral Benbow" inn, and a plethora of ragged, ne’er-do-well, pirate desperados venture onto the high seas to a deserted island in search of treasure and glory! Come with them... and with us!

Treasure Island is the archetype adventure novel. Flying banana Theatre retell the legendary fable in their own unique style that even a 10-year-old can understand. The production is notable for its British humour, verve, infinite panache, and lashings of original music and songs, the latter of which were composed by the brilliant English musician, Emmett ‘E’ Elvin, and director, Martin Cooke. These elements combine to create an experience that never fails to leave the audience utterly impressed.

The novel by Scottish writer Robert Louis Stevenson was published in its entirety in 1883. Nevertheless, such adventure stories continue to resonate with readers. Under the Flying Banana motto: ‘To play is to be’—together we learn to explore history, culture, and life... now in pirate style!