The show is performed in English
1 february
2 march
Flying Banana international Children's Theatre company presents “The Canterville Ghost”, based on Oscar Wilde's renowned fairy tale.
English theatre director, Martin Cooke, personally escorts the audience to the gates of the Gothic castle where the titular ghost resides. The artist also provides guidelines of how to meet this scary, yet charming creature. And the spectators are immediately immersed in an atmosphere of sheer delight.
Гениальный английский писатель
Оскар Уайльд написал эту это чудесную и трогательную историю
о дружбе, любви и мудрости
в 1887 году.

Удивительные декорации, необычные визуальные приемы
и волшебная музыка помогут вам поверить в чудеса и с головой окунуться в загадочную и таинственную атмосферу
старого замка.

Оригинальные находки постановочной группы произведут впечатление даже на самого искушенного юного театрала!
Использование комической пантомимы, понятной всем возрастам, захватит вас
с первых минут!
At the end of the XIX century Oscar Wilde, an illustrious Anglo-Irish poet and playwright, authored a poignant tale of friendship, equanimity, and wisdom. This tale-burlesque narrative was characterised by its romantic and humorous themes. And the Love depicted in the story, was said to possess the ability to overcome all adversity, including death itself.
The production's success is attributed to its unique Victorianesque painted backdrops, visually appealing costumes, slapstick playfulness, live music, and contemporary choreography, which are designed to captivate one and all.
Original interactive routines engage all attendees. The narrative of mutual support and attention, where the romantic meets the comic, is joyous and comprehensible for all ages!